630 Roman Emperor Heraclius returns the "True Cross", recaptured from the Persians to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
867 Battle of York: Danes defeat King Aelle of Northumbria
1084 Emperor Henry IV captures Rome and Pope Gregory VII
1146 St. Bernard of Clairveaux preaches the Second Crusade at Vezelay, Burgundy
1152 Marriage of King Louis VII of France and Eleanor of Aquitaine
1421 Battle of Beauge: The English are defeated by the French
1625 Franco-Piedmontese capture Novi from the Spanish-Genoese
1788 Second Great Fire of New Orleans: c. 800-850 buildings houses burn after a votive candle ignites some curtain
s1814 Battle of Arcis-Sur-Aube, Day 2: Austro-Russians defeat Napoleon
1824 Explosion and fire at the Citadel at Cairo, over 4,000 die
1836 Mexicans capture Copano, Texas
1848 Combat at Sforzesca: Piedmontese defeat the Austrians
1849 Combat at Borgo San Siro: Austrians defeat the Piedmontese
1849 Combat at Gambolo: Piedmontese defeat the Austrians
1849 Combat at Mortara: Austrians defeat the Piedmontese
1866 Congress authorizes a national soldiers' homes
1918 "Operation Michel" - Germans begin the first offensive of "Die Kaiserschlacht"
1927 Kuomintang forces occupy Shanghai
1937 Police fire on nationalist parade, Ponce, PR, 19 die
1939 Hitler demands the annexation of the Free City of Danzig
1940 Paul Reynaud becomes French premier (March 21 - June 16, 1940)
1942 Jimmy Stewart enlists in the USAAF
1942 Major Italo-German air attacks on Malta
1943 Assassination attempt on Hitler fails
1945 Okinawa: Japanese use Okha suicide planes for the first time
1945 Navy Chaplain Rabbi Roland Gittelson dedicates a cemetery on Iwo Jima
1951 Julius & Ethel Rosenberg convicted of espionage
1960 Sharpeville, South Africa: Police open fire on black demonstrators protesting apartheid, killing 69
1967 Battle of Suoi Tre: Major US victory over the VC/NVA
1984 Soviet sub collides with USS 'Kitty Hawk' (CV-63) off Japan