63BC Cicero's Third Oration against Catiline, delivered to the People in the Forum, as Catiline's co-conspirators in Rome are arrested.
1315 Albertino Mussato (1261-1329), soldier, statesman, poet, historian, is crowned "Poet Laureate" at Padua
1799 Battle of Wiesloch: The Austrians defeat the French.
1800 Battle of Hohenlinden: Moreau's French crush the Austrians in an ambush
1854 Battle of Eureka Stockade (Ballarat, Victoria): State forces kill over 20 miners in a legal dispute
1861 Skirmish at Salem, Mo
1863 James Longstreet abandons the siege of Knoxville, TN
1912 First Balkan War - Battle of Elli: A Greek naval squadron defeats a Turkish squadron
1913 First Balkan War -- Armistice of Çatalca: The Serbs, Bulgarians, and Montegnegrans conclude a truce with the Turks
1915 British 6th Indian Division falls back on Kut-el-Amara, Iraq
1941 Japanese First Air Fleet refuels at 45 N, 170 E, 2,100 nautical miles northwest of Pearl Harbor
1942 Guadalcanal: Japanese destroyers land reinforcements
1942 Munda: U.S. aerial recon finds Japanese building an airstrip
1943 Sextant Conference: US and British delegates meet at Cairo
1944 China: Japanese Eleventh Army runs out of supplies, offensive slows down
1956 England & France pull troops out of Egypt
1997 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, representatives from 121 countries sign the Ottawa Treaty prohibiting the manufacture and deployment of anti-personnel landmines.