Hutchinson's Pictorial History of the War Set (1939-1945) By Walter Hutchinson
Complete Set of 26 Volumes.
A detailed and wide-ranging commentary on World War II, profusely illustrated with B&W Photos & Maps etc, Expert contributors include: Sir Winston Churchill; Field Marshal Montgomery; Lord Louis Mountbatten, Neville Chamberlain: Marshal Josef Stalin; Air Marshal Joubert; Air-Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris; Admiral Sir Michael Hodges; Vice Admiral King; Squadron Leader John Strachey, Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas Moore; Anthony Eden; Harold Balfour; Sir Philip Gibbs; Count Raczynski; Cordell Hull; President Truman; President Roosevelt; General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
This work is an extensive contemporary history of the Second World War. It is a heavily illustrated account of the war, discussing the wins and losses in battle, as well as discussing the invasions of countries, and the global involvement.
This is a Heavy Set
- Hard Cover
- In Good Condition