776 BC The First Olympiad begins.
291 BC Triumph of Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges for the defeat of the Samnites
81 BC Sulla ends the proscriptions, c. 9,000 have been murdered
230 Accession of Pope St. Pontian (July 21, 230-Sep. 28,235), exiled to Sardinia by Emperor Maximinus Thrax, d. October 235
1097 Battle of Doryleum: Crusaders defeat Sultan Kilidj Arslan's Seljuk Turks near Nicaea
1266 Treaty of Perth: Scotland "rents" the Western Isles from Norway at 100 marks a year
1482 Battle of Loja: the Moors defeat the Castilians & Aragonese
1543 Treaty of Greenwich: King Edward VI of England (9) is betrothed to his cousin Mary Queen of Scots (14)
1569 The Union of Lublin: Formation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, ruled by a single elected King of Poland/Grand Duke of Lithuania, and governed with a common senate and parliament
1690 Battle of Fleurs: The French defeat the Imperialists
1690 Battle of the Boyne: Protestants massacre Catholics outside Dublin (12th NS)
1782 American privateers raid Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
1816 French frigate 'Medusa' wrecked, inspiring Gericault's "The Raft of the Medusa"
1823 United Provinces of Central America gain independence from Mexico
1861 Skirmish at Falling Waters/Martinsburg, Md: Union victory
1862 Battle of Holly Spring, MS
1862 Day 7 of the 7 Days: Malvern Hill/Harrison's Landing/Crew's Farm, Va.
1862 US taxes incomes of $600 or more to help finance the Civil War
1862 Battle of Booneville Ms: Gen Beauregard evacuates Corinth
1863 The Netherlands abolishes slavery in its West Indian colonies
1863 Battle of Gettysburg, Day1: Lee wins, but Union troops fall back on a very strong position
1864 Battle of Petersburg (to July 31)
1870 James W Smith becomes the first black man to enter West Point
1873 Henry Flipper of Georgia is the second black man to enter West Point
1898 Battles of El Caney and San Juan Hill, outside Santiago, Cuba
1898 Skirmish at Aguadores, Cuba
1898 Action at Havana: US ships and Spanish batteries exchange fire
1900 Marriage of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria to the Countess Sophie Chotek, who later meet Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo in 1914
1903 The former Apache war chief Geronimo is baptized in the Methodist Church
1913 Second Balkan War: Serbia & Greece declare war on Bulgaria
1916 Battle of the Somme begins
1918 The US 4th Marine Brigade secures Belleau Wood
1940 German troops occupy the Channel Islands
1941 The Farhud Pogrom: Pro-fascist Iraqis attack Bagdad's Jews; British troops arrive on the 2nd & restore order, but between 200-1000 Jews are killed, many injured, and much property destroyed
1942 The Germans capture Sevastopol after a long siege
1943 USS 'Thresher' (SS-200) damages Japanese DD 'Hokaze' in the Southwest Pacific.
1943 Marine 4th Raider Bn captures Viru Harbor on New Georgia.
1943 The "Women's Army Auxiliary Corps" is renamed the "Women's Army Corps"
1945 Australians land at Balikpapan, Borneo, against stiff resistance
1946 US atomic bomb test at Bikini Atoll, the 4th nuclear explosion
1950 First US ground troops arrive in Korea
1960 USSR shoots down US RB-47
1961 British troops land in Kuwait to prevent an Iraqi invasion
1962 Belgian "Trust Territories" of Burundi and Rwanda became independent
1969 Prince Charles is invested as the Prince of Wales
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